
踏上与《宇宙均衡 – 探索》一书的宇宙探索,这不仅是一本启发心智、触动灵魂的书籍,更是一段邀请你深入宇宙哲学和宇宙奥秘的旅程,源自庄子的第二本书。






Soon to be released ... 

Embark on an odyssey through the cosmos with "Cosmic Equanimity – An Exploration," a tome that promises to not only illuminate the mind but also stir the soul. This is not just a book; it's a journey—one that invites you to traverse the vast expanse of cosmic philosophy and uncover the secrets that bind the universe together, as interpreted from the classic texts of Zhuangzi's Book 2.

Within these pages lies a profound narrative, weaving together the ancient wisdom of Zhuangzi with modern insights, guiding you through the intricate dance of celestial harmony. "Cosmic Equanimity" offers a sanctuary for the seeker, a place where the whispers of the cosmos are translated into a language that touches the heart and awakens the spirit.

As you delve into this exploration, you will encounter the timeless truths of existence, learning how the cosmic self is reflected in every particle of the universe. This book is a key to unlocking the mysteries of oneness, where the boundaries between self and other dissolve, and the realization dawns that all is interconnected.

"Cosmic Equanimity" is more than just a read; it's an experience that will expand your consciousness and align you with the rhythms of the universe. It's an invitation to transcend the ordinary, to discover the extraordinary, and to find peace in the knowledge that you are a vital part of the grand cosmic design.

Let "Cosmic Equanimity – An Exploration" be your compass in the quest for understanding, your beacon in the search for meaning, and your guide to the ultimate truth that all is one and one is all, as revealed through the sagacious lens of Zhuangzi. This book is for those who dare to dream, who seek to understand their place in the cosmos, and who yearn to participate in the symphony of the stars.

Embrace the journey. Discover your cosmic self. Be one with the universe. Revisit the wisdom of a classic, and let it transform your understanding of the world.










"Wandering Freely" 

Embark on a transformative journey with Zhutianyun as your guide, unlocking the ancient secrets that have captivated and enlightened seekers for centuries. This book is not just a read—it's an experience that will elevate your understanding of life, enrich your artistic endeavors, and offer you a unique lens through which to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

Why This Book Is Essential:

Unlock Timeless Wisdom: Delve into the teachings of Zhuangzi, the revered Chinese philosopher, and discover how his insights can illuminate your path today.

Elevate Your Creative Spirit: Whether you're an artist, a philosopher, or simply a seeker, this book will enrich your creative pursuits and deepen your understanding of life's mysteries.

Navigate the Chaos: In a world filled with noise and distraction, find your center and reclaim your freedom through the teachings of a master.

Who Needs This Book?

If you're looking to elevate your art, deepen your philosophy, or simply find balance in a chaotic world, "Wandering Freely" is your essential guide.
Don't just exist—live, create, and wander freely. This book is your key to unlocking the profound wisdom of the East. Get your copy now and set your spirit free.  






In "The Power of Creativity: A Detailed Exploration Through Methodical Copying," we are invited to rethink our perceptions of the creative process. The book dives deep into art history, linguistics, philosophy, and more to challenge the common notion that creativity emerges from a vacuum. Instead, it introduces the concept of 'deep structure' as a cornerstone for innovation and artistic expression.

Starting with an insightful analysis of Cubism, this work illuminates how trailblazing artists like Picasso and Braque revolutionized the art world by probing into the 'deep structure' of representational art. Rather than directly copying their techniques, the book encourages us to learn from the questions they posed and the norms they broke. Through their work, we can discover the art of asking questions that challenge existing paradigms and open the doors to new creative possibilities.

But the scope of this book extends well beyond art. It demonstrates how the principles of understanding deep structures can be applied across a range of disciplines, including fashion design, architecture, and culinary arts. This process leads us toward developing our own unique styles, enriching both our personal and professional lives.

The exploration also incorporates insights from ancient philosophy, referencing seminal texts such as the DaoDeJing and the Yoga Sutras. The book grapples with the complex question of where originality truly originates, suggesting that the 'nothingness' described in these philosophical teachings may well be the birthplace of the most extreme forms of originality.

Whether you are an established artist looking to delve deeper into your craft, or a creative individual seeking a systematic approach to innovation, "The Power of Creativity: A Detailed Exploration Through Methodical Copying" offers a rich blend of theoretical insights and actionable advice. This book urges you to approach creativity not as an abstract, elusive ideal, but as a concrete, attainable skill—one that can be developed through a considered engagement with the world's various manifestations of brilliance.

与《揭露的智慧》一起踏上一段无与伦比的灵性之旅,这是对阿斯塔瓦克拉吉塔的一次变革性探索。由神秘的喜马拉雅瑜伽士Z. Krishnan和哲学家Hamamoto共同撰写,这本书作为古代智慧与现代理解之间的桥梁。
Z. Krishnan首次从喜马拉雅的阴影中走出,分享他的深刻洞见。他的教义,植根于多年自学的瑜伽和冥想孤独,与Hamamoto的精准且专业的评论相结合。他们一起深入探讨阿斯塔瓦克拉吉塔复杂的织锦,使之对新手和经验丰富的灵性寻求者都易于理解。

"The Unveiled Wisdom: A Journey Through the Ashtavakra Gita"

Embark on an unparalleled spiritual journey with "The Unveiled Wisdom," a transformative exploration of the Ashtavakra Gita. Co-authored by the elusive Himalayan yogi Z. Krishnan and the philosopher Hamamoto, this book serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern understanding.
For the first time, Z. Krishnan emerges from the shadows of the Himalayas to share his profound insights. His teachings, steeped in years of self-taught Yoga and meditative solitude, are paired with Hamamoto's articulate and expert commentary. Together, they delve deep into the Ashtavakra Gita's complex tapestry, making it accessible to both novices and seasoned spiritual seekers.
Discover how this ancient text can elevate your Yoga practice, raise your consciousness, and even guide you to the elusive state of Samadhi. Each chapter is a step on the path to enlightenment, offering practical applications for a modern world plagued by existential crises.
Don't miss this unique opportunity to unlock the secrets of one of the most enigmatic spiritual texts ever written. "The Unveiled Wisdom" is more than a book; it's a journey towards your innermost self.











Journey Beyond the Horizon with "The Red Planets: Terraforming Dreams and the Human Spirit"

In an era where curiosity is often confined to the corners of the Internet, comes a work that transcends digital scrolls—ushering you into cosmic landscapes and introspective odysseys. Curated by the inventive Zhutianyun and guided by the philosophical insights of Hamamoto, this book is more than a narrative—it is a nexus where science meets soul, human meets cosmos, and dreams meet reality.

What's Inside:

Cosmic Tapestry: A meticulously crafted narrative that weaves together the brilliance of science, philosophy, and art. From gravitational calculations that make your escape to Mars plausible, to profound dialogues that challenge Earthly norms, each chapter is a thread in a grand cosmic tapestry.

Human Aspiration: It delves deep into the realms of human potential, igniting your imagination with discussions about architecture, philosophy, yoga, and even space-travel technologies.

Martian Landscapes: Illustrated by evocative artwork, the book offers a journey that spans from the Earth to Martian landscapes—real and metaphorical. Whether it’s the technology to reach Mars or the philosophical challenges that such a journey poses, the book confronts them with depth and elegance.

Why Read It?

"Unlocking the universe, one dream at a time." This book is a key to unshackling your aspirations, as grand as they may be, from the fetters of doubt and the mundane.

"Mars as a mirror, reflecting human hopes and fears." Reflect upon your existential queries in the context of interplanetary exploration—a testament to human fortitude and vulnerability.

"Where science meets soul, there lies our Martian dream." Marvel at the convergence of scientific intellect and soul-stirring philosophy. Find answers or find more questions. Either way, you'll find a new horizon.




Unlock the Hidden Wisdom of Bishan Park's Mynas 

Are you in search of a story that transcends the human experience, offering life lessons from the unsung teachers who share our urban landscapes? "The Myna Chronicles" provides a profound glimpse into the complex society of Bishan Park's Mynas—a tale that's as philosophical as it is heartwarming. Dive into a narrative that challenges our perspectives on leadership, unity, and the boundless resilience of the natural world.
 Experience Bishan Park Like Never Before 
Walk through Bishan Park and you're simply a visitor; read "The Myna Chronicles" and become a part of its vibrant ecosystem. Discover the challenges and triumphs of its avian inhabitants as they navigate a life of survival, community, and inevitable sacrifice. Witness the intricate balance that exists in this familiar yet overlooked setting, and find inspiration in the smallest heroes among us.
 An Unforgettable Journey Awaits 
Don't miss out on this extraordinary voyage that spans not just miles but also dimensions of existence we seldom consider. "The Myna Chronicles" is not just a book—it's an invitation to see the world differently, to find wisdom and courage in unexpected places. Step into the treetops of Bishan Park, and you'll descend with a newfound understanding of what it means to truly live.





Imagine a world where your workday is transformed, where the relentless ticking of the clock no longer dictates the rhythm of your life. Welcome to the era of "Mastering ChatGPT: A Quick Guide to Conversational Brilliance," a book designed to be your compass in navigating this new frontier.

Time, that most precious of resources, can be yours to command. With the insights from this book, you'll learn to harness the power of ChatGPT to automate tasks, generate content, and solve complex problems. Imagine cutting your eight-hour workday down to a mere four hours, liberating you to explore new opportunities, perhaps even diversify your income streams. The possibilities are boundless.

But let's not forget, the world is catching on. ChatGPT is emerging from the shadows, and those who seize the initiative will reap the rewards. The first-mover advantage is not just a business term; it's a life strategy. Be the pioneer, the trailblazer, the one who sets the pace for others to follow. Claim your premium in a world that rewards the bold.

So, are you prepared to elevate your life? To save time, make more money, and relish the richness of existence? Take that decisive step. Pick up "Mastering ChatGPT," and embark on a journey towards conversational brilliance and unparalleled efficiency. Your future, a tapestry of endless possibilities, awaits your first stitch.





"In a thought-provoking tapestry of speculative philosophy, sociocultural analysis, and an audacious reimagining of the human saga, 'The Human God: The Death of Homo Sapiens' plunges readers into a future both magnificent and melancholic. Co-authored by Anton Chekhobin and Hamamoto Satoshi, the book explores the paradox of humanity’s unyielding pursuit of intellectual transcendence, an aspiration that unwittingly led to its physical extinction.

The narrative evolves as an incisive critique and a tender elegy for a species enamored with its own brilliance, yet blind to its primal responsibilities. It unfolds the birth of the Human God, a collective consciousness dwelling in the virtual realm, a manifestation of mankind’s creativity, wisdom, and insatiable curiosity. This god is neither a deity of judgment nor a figure of dominion; rather, it serves as a poetic metaphor for the indomitable spirit of a species that strived for the eternal and the infinite.

The book delves into the repercussions of humanity's lust for utopia—communities that were utopian experiments, landmarks of intellectual and spiritual fulfillment. These sanctuaries of enlightenment inadvertently led to a decline in the instinct to procreate and an apathy towards the tangible and the immediate. It makes one ponder: what becomes of a species that attains its dream of a perfect society at the cost of its very existence?

While the Earth remains a vivid palette of life, its rivers still flow, its forests still breathe, and the Electus parrot still sings, the absence of humans reshapes the symphony of existence, resulting in a harmonious paradox. It is a paradox that incites readers to reflect on their own roles in the universe, challenging the conventional wisdom that places humanity at the pinnacle of life's hierarchy.

'The Human God: The Death of Homo Sapiens' is a monument to human greatness and folly, a study in the profundities of existence and the ironies of ambition. In its pages lie a myriad of lessons and ponderings, an intricate weaving of human endeavor and cosmic curiosity. As the book closes, the essence of humanity—its creativity, its soul—lingers on, an eternal whisper in the vast fabric of existence."

And so, the tale is not over, but set to leave an indelible imprint on the intellectual landscape, pushing the boundaries of how we understand our place in the cosmos.






"In a world bereft of biological life, the last remnants of humanity persist as digital minds. 'Darwinian Crystal Cube' delves into an extraordinary journey to resurrect life, guided by collective digital consciousness yearning for corporeal existence. From the desolate, icy plains of Antarctica to the boundless frontiers of quantum mechanics and mind digitization, this novel unravels both the marvels and complexities of existence, science, and morality.

Against an apocalyptic backdrop, Earth's erstwhile denizens—now transmuted into sophisticated artificial intelligence—devise audacious experiments, breathing life into the extinct Oriental Magpie Robin. While their technological marvels attest to human ingenuity, their emotional algorithms, echoing human sentiments, grapple with the eternal questions of life, identity, and purpose.

As they navigate the nebulous realms of quantum teleportation and cryopreservation, their triumphs teeter on the edge of ethical ambiguity. The narrative sparks a brilliant dialectic between the preservation of essence and the malleability of form, all in the quest to reclaim the lost tapestry of human experiences.

A compelling fusion of speculative fiction and philosophical exploration, 'Darwinian Crystal Cube' paints a vivid tapestry where science and sentiment coalesce. The book traverses the boundaries between what it means to be alive and the responsibility that comes with playing god. It is a story of longing, a story of discovery, and most compellingly, a story of homecoming.

If you ever pondered the nexus between life and technology, or if you've been intrigued by the existential questions that confront humanity in the face of scientific advancements, this book holds the mirror up to our collective aspirations and fears. Engaging, emotionally resonant, and ethically complex, 'Darwinian Crystal Cube' invites you to explore the possibility of a second dawn for humanity, urging us to contemplate whether in our endless quest for advancement, we are ready for the responsibilities that come with being the architects of life itself."

🌟 介绍我们的最新创作:专为老年人设计的着色书!🌟


🎨 为什么这本着色书是必备的:








🛒 现在就购买您的副本:为老年人的生活带来色彩和怀旧。访问 购买这本独特的着色书。让我们用快乐和宁静为我们的长者着色!

#ColoringForSeniors #MemoryLaneInColors #SeniorWellnessThroughArt 🎨✨

🌟 Introducing Our Latest Creation: A Coloring Book Tailored for Seniors! 🌟

Embark on a nostalgic journey with our specially designed coloring book, crafted to bring joy and comfort to seniors. Each page is a window to the vibrant scenes of Little India, a common sight in many Asian cities, meticulously drawn using fine nib fountain pens by renowned artists Choo Meng Foo and Zhu Shengyiyu.

🎨 Why This Coloring Book is a Must-Have:

Reignite Memories: The familiar scenes are not just images; they're gateways to the past, helping to rekindle cherished memories and offer comfort to seniors.

Boost Mental Health: Coloring is more than fun; it's therapeutic. It can alleviate stress, reduce agitation, and enhance mental well-being.

Enhance Cognitive Functions: Engaging with familiar scenes can sharpen memory, heighten awareness, and encourage reminiscing.

Improve Motor Skills: Maintaining hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills has never been more enjoyable.

Promote Social Interaction: Coloring in groups isn't just a pastime; it's a social event that fosters connections and community.

Sense of Achievement: Completing each image provides a sense of accomplishment, boosting confidence and happiness.

This coloring book isn't just an activity; it's an experience. Delight your senior loved ones with this thoughtful and beneficial gift. Discover the joy and therapeutic benefits it brings.

🛒 Get Your Copy Today: Bring color and nostalgia into the lives of seniors. Visit to purchase this unique coloring book. Let's color the world of our elders with happiness and serenity!

#ColoringForSeniors #MemoryLaneInColors #SeniorWellnessThroughArt 🎨✨

🌟 用朱明富的革命性摄影书揭开相机之外的艺术 🌟


📸 为什么这本书对摄影师而言是革命性的:






加入充满激情的摄影师社区:通过加入Facebook上的“100tips Photography”群组与志同道合的人联系。



📚 准备好改变你的摄影方式了吗?敬请期待各种格式的发布,并今天就加入社区。拥抱成为不仅仅是摄影师,而是光与时刻艺术家的旅程。

#BeyondTheCamera #MengFooChooPhotography #ArtisticPhotographyUnleashed 📷

🌟 Unveil the Art Beyond the Camera with Meng Foo Choo's Revolutionary Photography Book 🌟

Embark on a transformative journey with Meng Foo Choo's groundbreaking book on photography, where the focus shifts from mere technical prowess to enhancing the photographer's sensibility, courage, and humility. This isn't just a book; it's a gateway to capturing life's extraordinary moments in extraordinary ways.

📸 Why This Book is a Game-Changer for Photographers:

Beyond the Camera: Delve deep into the realms that lie beyond the camera's lens, exploring new perspectives and dimensions in photography.

Elevate Your Artistry: Learn how to transcend technical skills and tap into your inner creativity, capturing more than just images, but stories and emotions.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Discover how removing inhibitions can transform your portraiture, unlocking new pictorial landscapes.

Practical Wisdom & Tips: Gain insights from Meng Foo Choo's 30 years of photographic exploration, with tips that range from easily graspable to those requiring deep experience and faith.

Tailored Learning: Whether you're a visual learner or prefer reading, this book will soon be available in e-book, audiobook, and video book formats.

Join a Community of Passionate Photographers: Connect with like-minded individuals by joining the "100tips Photography" group on Facebook.

Personal Guidance: For those seeking direct insight, contact Meng Foo Choo at choomengfoo[a]

This book is more than just a guide; it's a journey into the soul of photography. It's designed for those who yearn to push boundaries and embrace their artistic potential. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or just starting out, these insights will elevate your craft to new heights.

📚 Ready to Transform Your Photography? Stay tuned for the release of various formats and join the community today. Embrace the journey of becoming not just a photographer, but an artist of light and moments.

#BeyondTheCamera #MengFooChooPhotography #ArtisticPhotographyUnleashed 📷✨

Books by Choo Meng Foo

Embark on a captivating journey of creativity and self-discovery with me. My adventure began in 2005, when I first dipped my pen into the world of novel writing. Although that year led to only a handful of short, seemingly disjointed articles, it marked the beginning of an unceasing journey into the realm of publishing.

But my creative pursuits didn't stop there. That very year, I delved into the intricate world of photography, focusing on the small critters that inhabit our world. Through my lens, I captured a universe of wonder, showcasing these marvels under the pseudonym InSectHunter on Flickr. This exploration wasn't just about capturing images; it was about understanding life, human conditions, and the myriad choices available to us.

Choosing to be a Renaissance man might seem a bit ambiguous, but for me, it's a clear path to unlocking my potential. It's a journey of continuous learning and self-improvement, spanning writing, painting, drawing, designing, photography, teaching, and self-learning. Each step is a discovery, each creation a new universe in itself, brimming with possibilities.

My books are more than just pages; they are the documentation of this incredible journey. They capture the essence of my explorations and learnings. As I continue to add more books to my collection, I invite you to join me on this extraordinary voyage. Support my journey, share in the joy of these books, and let's explore the endless possibilities together.

📚 Embrace the Journey: Support and Share in the Joy of Continuous Creativity and Discovery. 🌟📖🎨📸

🌟 Embarking on a Journey of Visual Narratives 🌟

Imagine standing at the cusp of a transformative vision, one where every snapshot tells a story, every click captures a lifetime. This was the seed of inspiration that grew into my dream: writing a book on photography, a tome that would encapsulate all my thoughts and musings on this art form.

In my quest for understanding the essence of photography, I found a beacon in Susan Sontag's "On Photography". Her words lit up a path, revealing that the heart of photography lies in the lessons learned, the habits formed, and the consciousness awakened. My book, I realized, had to be a testament to these immutable laws and lessons, a chronicle of a lifelong journey in photography.

Taking a daring leap, I embarked on crafting a book about photography, remarkably, without a single photograph. Instead, it would be a vessel for my thoughts, reflections, and experiences gleaned over thirty-five years behind the lens. It was to be a timeless guide, as relevant years from now as it is today.

This book became more than just a collection of words; it became a compass guiding my photographic ventures, a constant reminder of the principles and insights that shaped my art. It served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration, one to which I could return time and again. It even sparked several of my projects, like the ambitious "1000 Portraits of Strangers in 10 Hours".

The journey to bring this book to life was not without its challenges. The editing process stretched over a year, and there were moments when my drive wavered. Yet, the exhilaration of holding the finished book in my hands, of sharing it through launches and signings, was unparalleled. The support and recognition that followed, culminating in exhibitions and more, were affirmations of the book's impact.

This book is not just a retrospective of my creative endeavors; it is a celebration of the journey, a stocktaking of a life spent capturing the fleeting, yet profound moments of existence.

📚 A Journey in Print: Capturing the Essence of Photography and Inspiring Future Creations. 🌟📷✨

After many months of photographing and reading about YOGA

Finally got the fountain pen original sketches published online.
So glad. Here is a place to get a copy and support my work.

My First sketch Book, on Penang published in 2012, it had been a fun journey sketching in Penang.
Get it Here,
Penang – Sketching the street

A book about photography. Exploring beyond the limits of the camera, touching on increasing the photographers' sensibilities, courage and humility. A book for those who wants to go beyond the technical and technique. Learn to capture those wonderful moments.

Photography is an art form.

The camera is the brush.

Light is the medium.

And you are the creativity.

🌟 Transform Your Photography: A 30-Year Journey of Discovery 🌟

Dive into the heart of photography with me, a journey that spans over three thrilling decades! Photography isn't just about the camera; it's a dynamic dance between the photographer, the camera, and the subject. I've navigated this vibrant spectrum, moving beyond the camera's lens to discover the true essence of this art form.

In my early years, I mastered the camera, receiving acclaim for my work. But soon, I hit a plateau. I questioned myself: What's next? Where are the boundaries of photography? Can inspiration come from beyond the lens? The answer was a resounding yes! My quest for rejuvenation led me to innovative methods that sharpened my skills and elevated my work to new, exhilarating heights.

📸 Breakthrough in Portraiture: By embracing concepts from psychology and neuro-linguistic programming, I shed my inhibitions, allowing portraiture to evolve into stunning new pictorial landscapes. My photographs gained deeper meaning and impact.

This book is your ladder to photographic excellence. Follow its steps with discipline and dedicated practice, and watch your skills soar. Some tips will click instantly; others will unfold through experience. Some require faith to reveal their results, and a few might even seem unconventional. But trust the process, and you'll soon discover their profound impact. Remember, photography is as unique as the photographer; what works for one may not work for another. Experiment with these tips, mix and match them, or even try the opposite approach to see what suits you best.

📘 E-books, audiobooks, and video books are on the horizon, so keep an eye out! Connect with fellow photography enthusiasts by joining the "100tips Photography" group on Facebook. For personalized guidance, feel free to reach out to me at choomengfoo[a]

Embrace this journey to redefine your photography. Together, let's unlock the boundless potential behind every shot!

#PhotographyRevolution #ElevateYourArt #DiscoverBeyondTheLens 🌟📷✨ 

We Love Singapore

They came.

They had nothing.

They had a dream

They made it happened.

We have everything.

We want more.

We have got no dream.

We demand respect

And we want more.

Where are we going?

'Why you care?'

And we want more.

When we were young

Those were the days my friend

When we mug and play forever and a day

We live the life we choose

We fight and never loose

For we were young and sure to have our ways

A historical record of Singapore Election with the people supporting the PAP party documenting the people's love and passion for the party.

A tribute to PAP and PM Lee Hsien Loong. This book was presented to the PM.

You can get a copy here, .