Thursday, December 21, 2023

Free Mobie screen download

 All rights reserved. You are allowed to download for mobile display play only. Give me your great comment if you can to encourage me. Moreover, you can also buy me a coffee. Paylah me 

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of the Dao's effortless action, has been created. This image captures the essence of transformation and tranquility achieved through the simplicity of the nameless, embodying the Daoist philosophy of natural harmony and balance.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, depicting a scene at the bottom of the ocean with the surface filled with concealed weapons in cases, has been created. This image captures the serene underwater world contrasted with obscured weapons just beneath the water's surface, symbolizing the principle of hidden strength and potential in line with Daoist philosophy.

Embark on a meditative journey through your mobile device with a series of screens inspired by the timeless wisdom of the Dao De Jing. Each screen is a visual harmony, designed to reflect the profound simplicity and tranquil essence of the Daoist philosophy. From the ethereal tranquility of cosmic order to the serene depths of earthly nature, these screens invite you to pause, reflect, and connect with the subtle wonders of existence.

The series begins with the formless void of space, where celestial bodies dance in silent majesty, embodying the boundless potential of the nameless Dao. Transitioning to earthly scenes, we witness the gentle interplay of tall trees and meandering rivers, where life flows with effortless grace, untouched by desire or strife.

As day turns to dusk, golden rays filter through the canopy, casting a soft glow over all creatures, great and small, reminding us of the interconnected dance of life that moves to the rhythm of the unseen. Here, the Dao is not just read but felt, an inexhaustible source of peace and balance.

In moments of stillness, a solitary figure, representing the sage, appears amidst the natural splendor, a conduit between Heaven and Earth, the embodiment of mystic virtue. With each scroll, you delve deeper into the Daoist landscape, where wisdom is whispered through the rustling leaves, and enlightenment comes on the wings of the wind.

This collection is more than a series of images; it's an invitation to cultivate inner stillness amidst the world's noise. Allow your mobile screen to be the gateway to tranquility, guiding you back to the simple yet profound truths of the Dao De Jing, where every glance and every touch brings you closer to the eternal Dao.

The vertical photograph for mobile display has been created, illustrating a vibrant scene of great food, dancing, and music with lots of consumers, and featuring a quiet man by himself, calm and unaffected amidst the activity. This image embodies the contrast between the lively atmosphere of a social gathering and the serene presence of an individual who finds peace and security within himself, in line with Daoist philosophy.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, capturing a world of tall trees, meandering rivers, jumping fishes, birds, and animals in a dusk scene from a low angle, has been created. It visually embodies the great Dao's broad and nurturing essence, enhanced by the tranquil beauty of dusk seen from this unique perspective.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concepts of understanding, overcoming, contentment, resolve, endurance, and longevity, has been created. It captures the essence of deep wisdom found in understanding oneself and others, as well as the inner strength and power of calmly overcoming challenges and finding contentment in simplicity.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of the eternal, nameless Dao embodying simplicity, has been created. It visually captures the Dao's omnipresence and its unifying force between heaven and earth, reflecting the natural flow of life and the unity of all things.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of the disdain for weapons and the preference for peace, has been created. It captures the essence of choosing peace over violence and the deep respect for life, embodying the Daoist philosophy of valuing calm restraint and mourning the losses of war.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of non-forceful leadership and the natural consequences of forceful actions, has been created. It visually captures the essence of wise leadership, achieving results without overreaching for power or using force, embodying the Daoist philosophy of acting in harmony with the Dao.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of not acting with force on the world and respecting it as a sacred vessel, has been created. It captures the essence of gentle interaction with the world and the Daoist philosophy of non-action (wu wei), reflecting the importance of respectful interaction with the world and the avoidance of forceful control.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concepts of balance between masculine and feminine, white and black, honor and humility, and the return to simplicity, has been created. It visually interprets the idea of embracing opposites to achieve harmony and balance, reflecting the Daoist philosophy of returning to simplicity and the natural balance of life.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and illustrating the concept of subtlety and efficiency in various roles, has been created. It visually interprets the idea of a traveler leaving no tracks, a mathematician without tools, and a doorkeeper with an unbreakable lock, capturing the essence of the sage's wisdom and the Daoist philosophy of subtlety, efficiency, and wisdom.

The vertical photograph for mobile display, inspired by the Daoist text and capturing the concept of heaviness being the root of lightness and stillness mastering restlessness, has been created. It embodies the Daoist philosophy of staying rooted and in control through the virtues of heaviness and stillness, reflecting the importance of maintaining one's foundation and composure amidst the external world.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It incorporates elements of a baby, human figures, space, mountains, heaven, wings, and waves, visually interpreting the formless yet complete essence of the Dao and its connection to heaven, earth, humanity, and the natural world. The image captures the interconnectedness of these elements, representing the harmony and natural order of the universe as described in the Dao.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It visually interprets the concept of humility and the transient nature of self-promotion, capturing the essence of the Daoist teachings on the futility of pride and the virtue of humility.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It illustrates the transient nature of phenomena and the acceptance found in aligning with the Dao, virtue, or loss. The image captures the ephemeral beauty of nature and the harmony of individuals or elements with their surroundings, embodying the Daoist philosophy of naturalness, acceptance, and the transient nature of life.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It depicts the paradoxes described in the Daoist philosophy, such as becoming whole through bending and renewed through weariness. The image captures the essence of transformation and balance through opposites, reflecting the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on humility and strength found in embracing paradoxical truths.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It captures the essence of the Dao as the source of supreme virtue, conveying the concept of the Dao being elusive, intangible, yet containing form and substance, and reflecting the profound and intangible nature of the Dao as the source of all virtue and essence.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It captures the theme of being at odds with the world's excitement and finding solace in the Dao, conveying the idea of a solitary individual amidst a world of activity, embodying a sense of calm detachment and introspection. The image reflects the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the difference between the self and the crowd, and the value of seeking solace in the Dao.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text with a theme of the cosmic order, has been created. It depicts the concept of a universe where simplicity, plainness, and naturalness prevail, embodying the Daoist philosophy of finding peace and harmony by letting go of artificial virtues and embracing a simpler, more natural way of being. The image captures a sense of cosmic harmony and natural order, reflecting the profound and serene nature of the cosmic order as envisioned in the Daoist text.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It captures the concept of the emergence of virtues and qualities in response to the absence of the great Dao, symbolizing the shift from a natural, harmonious state to one where these virtues become more pronounced. The image embodies the Daoist philosophy that in the absence of the Dao's natural harmony, other qualities emerge to fill the void, reflecting the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the dynamics of virtues and qualities.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile screen and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It depicts the concept of unobtrusive leadership, embodying the Daoist philosophy of leadership that is unassuming yet impactful, where the leader trusts and is trusted, and their influence is felt but not overtly seen. The image captures the essence of the best leaders being those who are barely known, yet profoundly effective, reflecting the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the nature of true leadership and the power of subtlety.

The vertical photographic image, inspired by the Daoist text and suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created. It captures the theme of attaining emptiness and stillness, and the natural cycle of returning to the root, embodying the Daoist philosophy of understanding the constant, which leads to enlightenment and the natural cycle of life.

The vertical photographic image, inspired by the Daoist text and suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created. It portrays the qualities of those adept at practicing the Dao, capturing the subtle and profound nature of these ancient practitioners and embodying their described characteristics. The image reflects the Daoist philosophy of remaining open, fluid, and unburdened by excess desires, emphasizing the depth and insight of those who follow the Dao.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created based on the Daoist text. It captures the concept of the formless and elusive nature of the Dao, conveying a sense of something that exists beyond physical form, sound, and touch. The image evokes a sense of the intangible and infinite, embodying the concept of elusiveness and the unnameable and continuous nature of the Dao.

The vertical photographic image inspired by the Daoist text has been created, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion. It captures the themes of the transience of favor and disgrace, and the concept of identifying with the world as much as one's own body, reflecting the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the importance of selfless care for the world.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created based on the Daoist text. It captures the theme of sensory overload versus inner contentment, illustrating the contrast between excessive sensory indulgences and the sage's focus on inner needs and simplicity. The image reflects the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the impact of sensory indulgence versus the simplicity of inner fulfillment.

The vertical photographic image, inspired by the Daoist text and suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created. It illustrates the concept of presence and absence contributing to functionality, capturing how emptiness enables utility in various objects and spaces. The image embodies the Daoist philosophy of valuing both presence and absence, reflecting the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on how emptiness and presence together create usefulness.

The vertical photographic image inspired by the Daoist text has been created, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion. It embodies the concept of 'mystic virtue' and the harmonious integration of soul, body, and nature, conveying the idea of deep inner connection and harmony with the natural world. The image captures the essence of being in tune with nature and the universe, reflecting the text's teachings on inner harmony, natural balance, and unassuming leadership.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It embodies the concept of moderation and the natural way of Heaven, illustrating the wisdom of moderation, humility, and knowing when to stop. The image reflects the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the limitations of excess and the virtue of timely retreat.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It emphasizes the virtues of water and its similarity to the highest good, illustrating the qualities of water as benefitting all things without contention and symbolizing its closeness to the Dao. The image captures water in its natural, tranquil state, reflecting the Daoist philosophy of living in harmony with the Dao and the deeper meaning of the text's teachings on the virtues of water.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion and inspired by the Daoist text, has been created. It depicts the enduring nature of Heaven and Earth and the selfless approach of the sage, illustrating the concept of longevity due to a lack of self-interest. The image captures the vast and timeless aspects of nature, symbolizing the continuous existence of Heaven and Earth, and embodies the Daoist philosophy of selflessness leading to longevity and preservation.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created based on the Daoist text. It illustrates the eternal and nurturing aspect of the valley spirit, embodying the concept of a timeless and mysterious force, symbolizing the feminine principle that is the root of heaven and earth. The image captures the essence of the valley spirit as a serene and enduring element in nature, reflecting the Daoist philosophy of the everlasting and nurturing qualities of the valley 

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created based on the Daoist text. It captures the concept of the impartiality of Heaven and Earth and the sage's approach to existence, reflecting the philosophy of impartiality and the importance of maintaining balance.

The vertical photographic image, inspired by the Daoist text and suitable for mobile display has been created. It captures the inexhaustible and profound nature of the Dao, conveying its essence as an empty yet endlessly resourceful entity. The image evokes a sense of the deep and ancestral, representing the Dao as the ancestor of all things, and embodies the Dao's qualities through a serene and harmonious natural setting.

The vertical photographic image, suitable for mobile display with a 1:2 proportion, has been created based on the Daoist text. It captures the theme of simplicity and non-competitiveness in governance, illustrating a society where aspirations for status and material possessions are minimized, and people live in harmony, focusing on basic sustenance and inner peace.

The vertical photographic image inspired by the Daoist text has been created, capturing the theme of the interdependence of opposites and the sage's approach to life. The image conveys the concept of the duality of beauty and ugliness, goodness and its absence, and the interplay of being and non-being, as well as illustrating the sage's way of managing affairs effortlessly and teaching without words. The composition captures the essence of the Daoist philosophy of the interdependence of all things and the unassuming yet impactful presence of the sage.


In "The Way of Harmony: Insights from the Dao De Jing," authors ZhuTianYun and Hamamoto Satoshi unveil the timeless wisdom of one of the world's most enduring philosophical texts. This unique interpretation of the Dao De Jing offers a contemporary perspective on the ancient teachings of Laozi, a sage whose insights have traversed centuries and continue to resonate in our modern world.

Navigating the complexities of life, finding balance in chaos, and seeking tranquility amidst the noise – these are challenges that everyone faces. The Dao De Jing serves as a guide to addressing these universal issues, and this book provides the key to unlocking its profound messages. ZhuTianYun, with a deep-rooted understanding of Eastern philosophies, and Hamamoto Satoshi, bridging these teachings with the Western world, combine their knowledge and insights to bring these teachings to life.

Each chapter of this book is carefully crafted, presenting the original verses of the Dao De Jing alongside eloquent translations and insightful commentaries. The authors delve into themes of harmony, balance, and the natural flow of life, making ancient wisdom accessible and applicable to a modern audience. They explore the Daoist principles of simplicity, humility, and the interconnectedness of all things, offering readers a pathway to deeper self-awareness and peace.

"The Way of Harmony" is more than just a book; it is a journey into the heart of Daoist philosophy. It is an invitation to explore ideas that challenge conventional thinking, encouraging readers to reflect, understand, and embrace a way of life that is in harmony with the natural world.

Perfect for those interested in philosophy, spirituality, and personal growth, this book offers a refreshing perspective on how to navigate life's journey with grace and wisdom. Whether you're a long-time admirer of Eastern philosophy or encountering it for the first time, "The Way of Harmony" is a must-read that will leave you with lasting insights and a newfound sense of serenity.

Embark on this journey of enlightenment and discover how the ancient wisdom of the Dao De Jing can illuminate your path in the modern world.







Publication Date
Dec 20, 2023
Personal Growth
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): ZhuTianYun, By (author): Hamamoto Satoshi

Thursday, May 5, 2022



This e-book is a pictorial narrative of Tay Kheng Soon's journey as an Architect-Activist-Educator. It starts with his ruminations on epistemology, adventure, civic activism, maturing process, and then the outcomes.

BUY pdf Here 


Publication Date
Apr 29, 2022
Art & Photography
All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License
By (author): Kheng Soon Tay


The ebook was written by Singapore's foremost thinker and visionary, Tay Kheng Soon, simple to read and easy to understand, consisting of slightly more than 400 pages of text and images. Can be purchased online here.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Rare sighting of Dollar Bird - Bishan Park

An amazing find at Bishan Park. A very rare sighting. The resident photographer, Ah Tan who patrol the Park every morning for many years said he saw it once only but was not fast enough to snap a shot of it. I was lucky. From far it looks like Myna until I zoom in. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 I will be giving a talk on 'Meditation on Creativity' this Saturday 19th June afternoon starting at 3:00pm and ending at about 4:30pm Organized by: 

Centre of Sustainable Architecture (COSA) 

Saturday, August 22, 2020


 A Chinese book I wrote over a few years at different times when events or observations inspired me. I would document them in a certain stream of consciousness or a series of fragments before I got tired and discontinued them. Maybe another day, I may use the same idea and create a larger series of them. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Teacher

A book written by a retired teacher the story spans across educational changes and the modernizing Singapore from the Seventies to the Nineties. Through the desire of a modern woman, it described the journey where desires slowly corrupt the young mind, resulting in disappointment, betrayal, and hatred.

Get it here:

Monday, October 30, 2017

With The Wind

It was last year that I suggested to Hoon Loon that we should gather his verses which he has been posting on the FaceBook into a printed book. I shared with him the joy of writing and publishing. At that time, he was hiding in his home recuperating and thinking through his life; he had a stroke which paralysed half of his body. Writing gives him inspiration and a sense of being, perhaps at his low point, one would ask the same question: What is Life?  What are we doing here on earth? Where am I going? Well, we have plenty of answers, but they seem too remote to be useful at the moment, he was trapped in his immobility and frustration. Writing gives one a sense of releasing his thoughts and emotions, which perhaps is all there is required for the purpose of life.
In September, I gathered all his verses from the Facebook and select them for this book. It was a joy to read and reread them in the quiet night and designing the book. Perhaps it was my early acquaintance with printing that gives me the joy in designing books, posters, and postcards. My dad worked in the press and he often brought me to his workplace, I would watch paste-up artists, photographers, offset printers, all working hard at their desks or operating the huge machinery. I went through the desktop revolution and see work scope being replaced and retrenchment. Lives had to change and we made changes. Hoon Loon too has to make changes. Laozi said what goes up has to come down, paralleling the Bell curve.

A verse from Hoon Loon
you can stay here
with your common sense
i am soaring to the moon
with my nonsense.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016

Transference - from Kandinsky to Architecture to Digital Suprematism

A book Exploring Kandinsky, Architecture, and Suprematism. Shengyiyu Zhu and Italo Castella in collaboration. Buy paperback at Amazon or hardcover at Lulu

Kandinsky’s work of lines, shapes and colours was chosen as the premise for exploration and translation of art into an architecture language to be used and demonstrated in a dwelling project for a musician. Kandinsky’s very special form of abstraction derived from his understanding of music, free of things of nature and the past, but of things of the abstract which were forms of virtual creation derived from his subjective universe. As paintings should never be a copy of other things, not nature, not human, not everyday things, but of itself.

A two storey house of two geometrical shapes, one stable and another rotated, punctured by an axis from one into another and terminated on the outside with a subtraction in a two-dimensional circle. Planes of different shapes attached themselves to the axis, all miraculously anchors themselves with the line.

Using the three-dimensional model of the house, a virtual camera explores different angles with varying focal length, perspective and axonometric were generated with different shading of the model, such as wire frame, X-ray and hidden lines. At times the model is also sectioned to allow one to explore the inside of the model. Sectional planes could be vertical, horizontal or slanting. The lines also take on different forms, thin continuous or dash lines. 
With the captured images, certain areas were given weight with black fill or sometimes various greys. The images are presented with different layering, alternating between two-dimensional and three-dimensional. 
Through the digital medium, the final images started from the simple to complex interactions where the mind is no long able to grasp the initial simplicity of forms. It is led to trace and move from one line to another to another, pausing as the becomes shapes. Energy moves, pauses, explodes, coalesces, races, and dissipate in a geometrical landscape of transference between the two and three dimension.